Welcome to Cursillo in Scotland

Cursillo is a movement of the Scottish Episcopal Church and offers everybody ways to use their faith in their everyday lives.

Welcome to Cursillo in Scotland

Cursillo is a movement of the Scottish Episcopal Church and offers everybody ways to use their faith in their everyday lives.

Welcome to Cursillo in Scotland

Welcome to Cursillo in Scotland

What is Cursillo

Cursillo is a movement of the Church, which in Scotland operates within the Scottish Episcopal Church which is part of the world wide Anglican Communion.

Cursillo is a Spanish word (pronounced kur-see-yo) which means “short course”. The full title (Cursillo in Christiandad) means “a short course in being a Christian”.

The Cursillo Movement hopes to assist people on their Spiritual journey through a greater longing to know and to serve their Lord more effectively within their congregation and the community in which they live and work.

Contact Details

Email address:  admin@cursilloinscotland.org

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